Saturday, January 31, 2009

Christmas fun

So, I know we're 35 or so days late...BUT, I couldn't just skip over Christmas, especially because we had such a fun one this year. The girls grasped a little better than they did last year:

-what presents are (just something to rip open and set aside in search for the next one. I think next year we'll wrap empty boxes. I don't think they'll notice.)

-who Santa Claus is ("a nice person" - Isabelle's words - she was deathly afraid of him when he made a surprise visit to Grammy and Papa's home in Utah - so after he left and for the next couple of days, Taber and I tried our hardest to convince both her and Eliza that Santa was no one to fear. In fact, he's a very nice person who brings us presents. Every once in awhile she will spontaneously state that "Santa Claus nice person." It's like she's trying to convince herself.)

-how cool Christmas lights are (the girls both loved looking at Christmas lights - we made two trips in one week to see lights on Temple Square in early December. Most nights in December they would request to go out and look at lights.)

-how to sing Christmas carols (they are still singing Jingle Bells at random times throughout the day. When they forget the words or just want some backup, they'll say, "Sing it, Mama!")

-snow boots = free reign in the snow

-how to decorate a Christmas tree (this was the first year since Taber and I got married that we decided to have a tree, and I'm so happy we finally joined in the fun. It seriously was so fun. Picking it out, setting it up, and especially decorating it as a family, minus Eliza, who was more interested in reading her books than helping us decorate. We lamed out and bought one at Home Depot, but it ended up making a beautiful Christmas tree. The thing I loved most about it was how it filled our apartment with a fresh, lovely pine smell. I turned my Scentsy off the whole time we had our tree. No need for it. I loved snuggling up on the couch, close to the tree, basking in the twinkling lights and glorious smell. We also bought some ornaments and an angel for our tree, after Taber and I had a quick rock-paper-scissors debate over whether to get an angel or a star for the top of the tree. The girls adored "Gabby," as we nicknamed her. Isabelle got the honor of crowning the tree with her - Eliza was fully engrossed in Brown Bear, Brown Bear by this time.)

P.S. I found a delicious recipe for cranberry-orange pull apart rolls that I made for Christmas morning. I decided after the first bite that this will be a Wilson family Christmas morning tradition from here on out. As soon as I can find the recipe in the stacks of boxes, I will post it. (Hopefully before Christmas 2009!) You'll want it, believe me. It's easy cheesy and the best part is that all the work is done the night before.


  1. yay for Christmas and kids understanding it more and more! Sounds like you guys had lots of fun! What's this scentsy I keep hearing about? You're the 4th or 5th person I've heard talking about it!

  2. So fun! Thanks for the pcitures- so cute! And I totally want that recipe- sounds totally yummy!

  3. Yeah that recipe was pretty much heaven!!! How're you guys doing? Feel like I haven't talked to you much other than calling Taber and harrassing him about the moving crew...

  4. kim, my dear - don't know how it's possible, but i've just found you here again. thanks for keeping up with my blog and being always such a supporter. meow. your family is so beautiful - what fun to have them! we need to catch up properly - i didn't know that you spent time in besançon while you were in france. i'd love to hear the trajectory of your time here. and more importantly, when are you coming for a weekend in paris? you have a place to stay and people who would love you to come...reunion! anyway, i can keep better tabs on you now. love, emilie
