Thursday, January 8, 2009

We're Moving!

Lightning strike in Owasso sky

I realized there may be some of our readership (all 3 of you) who may not know of our impending move. We're moving. Next week. The moving truck shows up here on January 13th. It still hasn't really sunk in. And let me just say - I.HATE.MOVING. Not actually living in a new place - done that enough that it's not too big of a deal - but the actual physical part of packing and sorting and cleaning and stressing. Not fun.

We are heading out east to Oklahoma for Taber to continue his education. He graduated with his B.A. in History in December '08. However, he's heading in a different direction than what he's been doing these past 15 years (okay, it's only been like 4, but each additional semester has seemed like an eternity). He's planning on enrolling in
Tulsa Tech to pursue training in Aviation Maintenance Technology (fancy way of saying he wants to work on airplanes for the rest of his life, and possibly learn how to fly them.) Eventually he would like to enter the Air Force where he will be able to use this training.

Oklahoma has a lot to offer, really. Thunderstorms, monster mosquitoes, tornadoes, humidity, burmuda grass, heat, cigarette smoke... Seriously though, it has one really special thing - the Smith family of Owasso. See you guys a couple of weeks!

View of Owasso, OK


  1. sooo crazy!!! When you move you better post week by week on your lives in oklahoma.

  2. I. CANNOT. BELIEVE. YOU. ARE LEAVING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Major sad face!!!! I know it's great T got his act together and all (haha love you T) but this is my life too!!!!! I don't know how I'm gonna survive. Really. You guys are seriously the best. First Hyrum and Marge and now you. I guess I should really blame them. They started the moving fiasco. Thanks. A lot guys. But on a happier guys are moving on and T with a new career. The best of luck to you guys. Love you.

  3. Oh, man! I'll miss you guys. As odd as that sounds. It just seems wrong that your apartment will be empty. And, bummer deal, I was going to send a gift for you with my brother. But you'll be gone by the time he gets there.

    Anyway, congrats on more school. :) Hurray for living close to Kim's family!

  4. Thats a bummer that you guys won't be in Utah when I make my yearly trip. But hopefully this summer we will be on the move too and then we will stop by and see you on our way back west. I'm totally with you on hating the whole moving process. I've started to get things cleaned out so it won't take me a year just to pack things up! I'm totally excited for you guys to move into the next stage of your lives. Have fun! Love you guys!

  5. so no, i didn't know and yay for you ... a new chapter in your lives. I'm sure living close to your family will be awesome! Guess my push to get out to Utah to see you is futile now, huh? But the good news is that hooray ... you're close to illinois now. maybe we can meet in st. louis or something?

  6. Margaret - we're going to post so much when we're in oklahoma that you're going to get sick of hearing about us :) by the way, time for an update from you guys!!!

    Ashley - yes, blame everything on Hyrum and Margaret. That works for me.

    Nancy - yeah, for sure bummer deal. Thanks for the thoughtfulness, though! And I do understand about it being weird with us not in the apartment - I visit teach the lady/girl/woman who lives in your old apartment and it's so weird to go in and it not be YOUR place anymore.

    Emma - please do stop by! We will love to have visitors. When you do get ready to move, check out this website: I found it yesterday and think it's an AWESOME idea!

    Natalie!!! - Checked on it. St. Louis an even 6 hour drive for both of us. Sweet. Let's plan something for the spring!!!

  7. hooray! i'm so excited! I'm gonna hold you to it!

  8. New post please! Who cares if you're busy moving...this is more important! haha

  9. I'm with Ash- new post! I'm sure there had to be something funny happen in your move!
