Sunday, February 15, 2009

Death of an old friend

It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of an old friend, our Mitsubishi big screen. The TV, nick-named "big screen" to those who were close, joined our family about 2 years ago when Taber found it in a back room of the BYU Moving storage and bought it for $50. While it was brought into the home under the objections of Kim, all in the house came to love the old big screen. Movies were never the same, and the light eminating from the enormous flat screen set a romantic touch to any setting. We made many fond memories with the TV, and the twins grew up watching their kiddy shows on it. We will surely miss it.
The circumstances leading up to its death are still under investigation. It made the trip to Oklahoma safe and sound, (including a trip up the stairs carried by a few members of the Elder's quorum) and even worked for a couple of weeks before the color turned mysteriously blue and green. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the red bulb was burned out. Unfortunately, due to the age of the TV, spare parts are hard to come by and as a result, we had to take it off life support. As with many things, the death of our big TV helped give life to our other TV, which is currently sitting on top of ole' big screen (we haven't moved it out of our room yet because we don't know where to put it). It was a good run while it lasted. A trust fund has been set up for the replacement of the big screen. As some of you know, once you go big screen, you can't go back.


  1. I am sad to hear the news. i know how hard it must have been to pull the plug. You guys will be in our prayers. R.I.P Big screen.

  2. I am in mourning. Why?! Why Big Screen?!! All it did was bring joy into the lives of those who watched it! Good luck in your television fund. Big Screen you'll be missed

  3. It's a sad sad day. My heart almost fully goes out to you- having never owned a big screen I can't fully feel your pain. Maybe the smaller TV was tired of being ignored...

  4. Oh Big Screen, you will be missed. Playing the Wii has not been the same. But on the bright side, now you can get a new and improved flat screen that can be mounted on the wall. But I am still sad about Big Screen. By the way, are you taking donations?

  5. As for what to do with the dead TV - I suggest a late-night run to Salvation Army and kicking it out into the after hours donation drop off pile. Is that bad? If you answer yes, than please forget who made that suggestion. Good luck with the new tube!

  6. We are sorry to hear about your loss. Your TV is what brought Patrick to buy his. He was jealous that whole time, hence the strain on our relationship.

  7. Umm could totally go for an update on the life of the Tulsa Wilsons...

  8. wanted you to know that I check your blog almost daily for new pictures, stories, and fun ... and i'm SAD when I don't see anything new!
